Seminar: Secure Computing in the Quantum World

In recent years, quantum computers are being developed, built, and tested in organizations ranging from universities and national laboratories to private start-ups and big companies. In addition to the promise of computational speedups, quantum technologies are also useful for secure communication and computation over quantum and classical networks. A multitude of applications, apart from quantum key distribution, include certifiable randomness generation, secure multi-party computation, secure cloud quantum computation, and verification of quantum computation. In particular, I will talk about the task of delegating quantum computations to an untrusted server. Furthermore, as the devices grow in size, we need methods that can verify the output produced by quantum computers are indeed correct. These schemes are termed as verification of quantum devices and share similarities with private delegated quantum computing scenarios. I will discuss recent progress, limitations, and challenges in the aforementioned settings in the quantum world. At the heart of these works are techniques from quantum algorithms, information theory, interactive proof systems, and modern cryptography.
Atul is a postdoctoral researcher at the Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science, University of Maryland. He received his PhD at the Center for Quantum Technologies, and Singapore University of Technology and Design (Singapore), where he was advised by Joseph Fitzsimons and was supported by President's Graduate Research Fellowship. His research lies at the intersection of quantum information science, cryptography, and theoretical computer science.